It’s been another great two weeks for both our startups and investors, including the Crowdstrike IPO which local VC Okapi Capital invested in. Congrats!
I am seeing a lot more local investors getting mobile and moving around Southern California, which is great for our companies. We have to go where the talent is, and I love running into a bunch of San Diego investors at an event in San Clemente or meeting Santa Barbara investors at an event in San Diego. Let’s keep sharing notes and funding good local companies.
This Thursday, Gregg Anderson, CEO of 41Orange and I are giving a workshop on setting up a data-driven sales and marketing system to measure KPIs for growth of your software company at the UCI Applied Innovation Wayfinder Incubator. We’ll talk about how to do this at each stage of growth and capital raise to set your fundraising up for success. I’m not sure if I am allowed to invite you, but come anyways at 3 p.m. and engage in our conversation. Tell them Neal sent you.