Home BloomBites Turning Challenges into Opportunity – 06/10/20

Turning Challenges into Opportunity – 06/10/20

by Neal Bloom
It feels like 2020 just keeps throwing the challenges at us huh?
With respect to the focus on police brutality towards the Black community, the challenge really feels like an opportunity. For me, it’s a time to listen to so many smarter people than myself and learn about historical issues to help be a part of the solution.
This newsletter was born in a similar vein; distribution of information to a larger population to be more informed and help amplify that Orange County is a great place to start a company, while also learning about where our holes are and how we are filling them. While I have zero claim to a solution on racism, I am happy to use this platform to try to expand access to our underserved communities. Growing great companies stands to benefit us all, so the more we can help our entrepreneurs, companies, and employees be successful, the better for us all. My ask to you, continue to reply to this email and send us content to share with the larger community. Awareness is opportunity.
Hope you continue to stay safe and healthy,
P.S. Don’t forget to check out :

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